Erin Siena Jobs – Know All About Her

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Erin Siena Jobs

Erin Siena Jobs is one of the children of the world famous American entrepreneur, inventor, business tycoon, and designer Steve Jobs. She is the third child of Steve Jobs with his wife Laurene Powell Jobs. Due to her father being a business magnate, Erin has lived a comfortable and luxurious life. She has two siblings, elder brother Reed Jobs and younger sister Eve Jobs.

Erin is a private person and likes to stay away from the limelight. Just like her father, Erin is also very much skilled in industrial design and architecture. She is the kid of a business tycoon of America. We have also written an article on another business magnate’s kid Saxon Musk.

Erin Siena Jobs Early Life

Erin was born on August 19, 1995 in California, United States to Steve Jobs and Laurene Powell. Steve Jobs is the world famous business tycoon who co-founded ”Apple Inc”. A few years later Steve left ”Apple Inc” and founded his own company ”NeXT”. However, In 1997, Steve Jobs made an agreement and merged his company with ”Apple Inc” and became the Chief Executive officer.

Erin’s mother Laurene Powell is a famous American business woman who is the owner and Chief Executive officer of ”Emerson Collective”. She has also co-founded an institution that prepares underprivileged kids for college. Laurene is considered to be the richest lady in the technology world.

Erin’s Parents

Due to her parents’ being so successful and wealthy, Erin lived an luxurious and sheltered life. She has two siblings, her brother Reed Jobs and her sister Eve Jobs. In addition, she also has a half-sister Lisa Brennan Jobs whose mother is Christian Brennan. Steve and Christian were in a relationship before Lisa was born. However, Steve refused to acknowledge her daughter Lisa which led to a legal case and DNA testing. The results of this test revealed that Lisa’s father is Steve Jobs. Later on, Steve acknowledged her as his daughter.

In October 2022, Steve left this world from a long illness which resulted in respiratory failure. After the demise of her father, Erin went away from the spotlight and started living a moderate life with her mother and siblings. According to the Forbes 2016, Steve Jobs’ family is among the top 50 richest individuals of the world.

Her Present Life And Career

Erin has a degree in Architecture and design just like her father. She studied in Stanford University, California, United States. She is a private person who doesn’t have any social media presence. Many people assume that she will eventually become a part of her father’s business. Her sister Eve on the other hand is quite active on multiple social media sites. Her half-sister Lisa is married and a mother of a child. But nobody really knows about the dating status of Erin Jobs.

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