Top 5 Free Apps for Your iPad

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Free Apps for iPad
Tech and Trends:- One of the must-have gadgets these days is a tablet. And the most popular one is the iPad from Apple Inc. There are actually a lot of models for an iPad. It has evolved from the first generation up to its last. As one generation is built, more advanced features are added. An iPad can perform internet surfing, social networking, take photos, play music, shoot videos and you can play games too. That is why a lot of people are getting hooked with this gadget.You can see a lot of people with any kind of iPad whether in school or at the office nowadays.
So, if you have an iPad, here are the top 5 free apps which you need to download now:
1. Dropbox
Dropbox for iPad
 If you want to back-up your photos, music and videos, then you have to sign up an account for Dropbox. It helps you to maximize your iPad’s storage. Also, you can upload photos from your Dropbox account too.
2. Paper
Paper for iPad
This app turns your iPad into a great digital notebook. If you want to draw something, then you have to download this one right away. There are free drawing and writing tools for you to enhance your piece. Paper can turn all the drawings and notes that you love into a printed Moleskin book. This app also works better with a stylus, but you can still use it with your bare hands.
3. Evernote
Evernote for iPad
Typing words using the keyboard of your iPad is very time consuming, especially when you need to get things done fast. That is why there is a need for you to download this app called Evernote. This is a note-taking app with the ability to save your photos, audio and web pages.
4. VLC for iOS
VLC for iOS
If you love downloading or shooting your very own videos, then this is the perfect free app for you. VLC plays all types of videos that you save in your iPad. Any video format will be played when you have downloaded this app. There is no need for you to worry about the compatibility of your video and your player anymore.
5. Social Networking Sites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, etc.)
Social Networking Sites
Well, you should not forget about the social networking sites that you love. There are a lot of it and almost all of them are free to download. If you have your accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, etc, then you have to install them in your iPad. But they just work if you have an internet connection. So, you better make sure to update all your accounts from time to time, in order for you to catch up with your family, friends and everyone else around the world.
About the Author:
Maxene Denver is a research writer writer from Louisiana. She has a deep passion in writing and being a writer is the happiest thing that ever happened to her. You may follow her on Twitter and Google+.
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